Letters of the alphabet, numerals, vowel-points, all became symbols of existence to him, and their combinations and permutations, supplementing and explaining one another, possessed for him an illumining power most effectively to be disclosed in a deeper study of the divine names, and especially of the consonants of the Tetragrammaton.
Abulafia is a random-thing-generator, a series of simple-enough javascript scripts which allow the user to quickly and handily generate things using random prompts.
A tiny javascript..."library" is too extravagant for what this is. Literally a bunch of lines of javascript to build a kind of basic mind-map.
Freemarket resources
Sheets, aides and icons for the Freemarket RPG.
Golden Pie Stories
A series of delightful pie-themed story seeds for Golden Sky Stories.
Javascript-based relationship mapper.
Perfectly Legal Traders
A three-hour scenario for Blueshift
The Boy in the Rubble
A considerably darker scenario for Golden Sky Stories