Moving house

26 August 2024

A quick housekeeping note, more than anything: this blog is now shifted over to 11ty!

I used to use nanoc, a ruby-based SSG for the site, and I've been doing that since, well, it feels like forever. However recently it's been feeling a little long in the tooth, escpecially as I start thinking about building out the garden and running some pre- and post-processing tasks.

Shifting everything to 11ty has been pretty time-consuming - it's been an evening and weekend activity for most of the last month or two - but if you're reading this it means I've now deployed it in place of my old install. Things are still broken - search, writing, probably other things I've just glossed over right now. But I want to ship this now, and then to try to rebuild bits as needed. As with everything, I'll be spending 80% of my effort on the last 20% of the site, working out how I can take the stupid hacks I made to nanoc and ruby and apply them to 11ty and javascript.

I've definitely noticed a significant speed boost when generating the site - I'm not sure what's causing it, as I strongly suspect it's not the switch in languages. Whatever the reason, though, that should make development and testing a lot easier as I slowly implement the old features I want to keep, and add stuff over time.

I have plenty of thoughts about how to improve things - how better to organise the garden, how to bring things into more order - how to make the whole thing more navigable even as I add more. And also, to actually write something again, rather than just fiddle with it. But this first.