- Published
- 2 November 2023
- Tagged
If you visit this site, you might notice it looks a little different. A lick of paint around the CSS, a dark mode, a few categories removed, and a digital garden gracing the front page.
I've actually been working on this over the last couple of months, after reading through a bunch of interesting posts on digital gardens and thinking through how they overlap with my thoughts on the purpose of this site. I've written a lot of stuff over the past ten years[1] which I'd consider to be relatively timeless - not necessarily in that it was earth-shattering, but more in that its value hasn't decreased over time. That made me think about adding some kind of digital garden section to the site, although that made me start wondering how things like my projects and writing subsections intersected with a digital garden. And once you go down this path, well, you might as well refresh the CSS at the same time, right?
I'm publishing this now, not because I think everything is finished, but more because I need to hit "publish" on these changes at some point or be sunk into a hole of perfectionism for the next year. Having a hobby like maintaining a home-cooked website is tricky to keep up when you have a tiny two-year-old being demanding your attention most hours of the day - it's the kind of project which progresses slowly, in fits and starts. So having something "good enough" should be enough of a trigger to push to the public.
Hopefully I'll get to spend the next few months filing off the rough edges, adding features where they need to happen, and the like. In the meantime, I've written up a bit about my choices...you guessed it...in the garden.
It's a bit bare right now. More to come. I hope you enjoy the chance to take a wander once in a while.
Wow, I've never measured it before, but I guess this site went through its ten-year annivesary in April last year. ↩︎