Site update

26 March 2018

A (very) quick update on the status of 1klb. I've been purposefully silent over the past month or so: as well as being busy in real life, I was planning on shifting the blog over to Wordpress. However, a bit of experimentation with the general Wordpress platform has convinced me that it'd be tricky to port over all the weird corners of the website. I think I'll be sticking with static site for the near future.

With that decision out of the way, I can work towards adding content, rather than just tinkering with code. I've got ideas for a redesign soon[1] – until then, I've got some writing that might eventually make its way online, as well as part two of my New Voices in Larp series which has sat at 85% done for the last half-year.

  1. Mainly involving css-grid, because why not? ↩︎