Perfectly Legal Traders

6 August 2014

So I probably should have posted this at some point–

In May, we held our annual gaming convention, Buckets of Dice, which was a great success. As part of our programme to encourage GMs, we held a Scenario Design Competition, in the spirit of KapCon, which does it every year. Our goals were to encourage GMs to write original games to a publishable (i.e. you could pass it to someone else and they could run it) standard, and to build up a library of ready-to-run games for future GMs.

I submitted my scenario Perfectly Legal Traders, a three-hour adventure set in the world of Blueshift that I've been talking about on this blog, and scored first place, netting me a shiny shiny copy of the Summoner Wars basic set that I'd had my eyes on for a while.

I've received some great feedback from the judges and hope to make the game even better, but in the meantime, you can find a copy of the scenario over on my projects page, under the new "RPGs" section. I'm hoping to expand this section again in the future–I have five-sixths of a scenario for Golden Sky Stories[1] in my back pocket that I hope to tidy up and playtest in the near future, and I may even work towards my hack of McDaldno's The Quiet Year if my creative pace keeps up.

In the meantime, PLT is there for you to check out. If you end up running it I'd love to hear how you found it went.

  1. The most adorable RPG ↩︎