Digital garden table of contents

Created at
30 January 2025
Last modified
30 January 2025
🌲 tree

The point of a garden - or of this garden, at least - is to provide a relatively organic intermeshing of linked nodes, with structure either emerging organically, or being realised and gently molded out of the resultant environment.

One way to bring order to this chaos is to apply metadata to nodes and then use automated systems to gather and curate them. This is useful with semi-mature and mature systems, but this garden is still in its development phase.

This table of contents is a way of manually curating some of the garden in a non-intrusive manner. It's a high-friction process, which means that things are likely to be out of date.

Each heading below provides you with a series of thematically linked nodes, which together could feasibly form a book of sorts.

On the care and maintenance of digital gardens


Federated systems and moving away from predatory social media
